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Allah, Nabi Muhammad & Family ♥
N ♥
Zuhairah ♥
Nurul Izzati ♥
Divya Shini ♥
Nur Azmatul Uzma ♥
Yuin Quan Choy ♥
Syazwani Hannani ♥
Shahirah ♥
Raihanah ♥

School, homeworks. --'
Friday, January 6, 2012 | 0 Lover
Assalamualaikum. :)

Omg, it's only the third day of school but there's a lot of homework. Lol takde lah banyak sangat. I'm the one who is lazy right now. Hahaha. But seriously, I don't wanna do homeworks. But I have to. Lol who loves homeworks? XD 

Actly idk what to post about right now. Why eh? Maybe because I'm excited. Hehe yes I'm excited! Kayy, maybe that's all. Update later.

Byeee. xx

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