
TalesThe BossDarlinksCredits


If you're here then you got swag.

I love you.

Allah, Nabi Muhammad & Family ♥
N ♥
Zuhairah ♥
Nurul Izzati ♥
Divya Shini ♥
Nur Azmatul Uzma ♥
Yuin Quan Choy ♥
Syazwani Hannani ♥
Shahirah ♥
Raihanah ♥

So long never update. ;3
Monday, December 19, 2011 | 0 Lover
Yes, so long I never update. Well, I'm kinda busy this month. But I went to Penang and it was so much fun! :D
It's not even a vacation. It's my dad's company tour for a movie promotion. I and my cousins helped to sell the CD's and everything. I really enjoyed myself. Next trip, Seremban Parade! :) I'm gonna stay busy till January 2012. Lolol.

We're supposed to sell the CD's but we camwhored. B-) so here's some pics of us.

We are not that cool. Okay. Lol.

By the way, I found this on Tumblr. #Epic

Epic aiteee? I know, mwehehe. ;>

Kay, that's all for today. Bye! :)

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