
TalesThe BossDarlinksCredits


If you're here then you got swag.

I love you.

Allah, Nabi Muhammad & Family ♥
N ♥
Zuhairah ♥
Nurul Izzati ♥
Divya Shini ♥
Nur Azmatul Uzma ♥
Yuin Quan Choy ♥
Syazwani Hannani ♥
Shahirah ♥
Raihanah ♥

S O R R Y ?
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 | 2 Lover
Idk why you guys hate me, but I'm sorry. For whatever I do, sorry. Thankyou for hating me. Yeah, you guys make me cry :'>

I know now you guys hate me a lot. But no matter what, I still love you. Even though we're just friends, maybe. Again, I'm sorry. :'(

Forgive me, please. ;'/ I hope we could be as what we're used to be, back.

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